Class 1. Flutter/Dart Introduction
Class 2. Dart Language: Variables, Data Type, Control flow & functions
Class 3. Dart Language: Classes, Inheritance & Exceptions
Class 4. Asynchronous Programming, Coding Principles with Dart
Class 5. Basics of Flutter
Class 6. Building UIs in Flutter
Class 7. Building UIs in Flutter
Class 8. State Management
Class 9. State Management
Class 10. State Management
Class 11. Routes & navigation
Class 12. Localization & internationalization
Class 13. Animation
Class 14. Working with JSON & other formats
Class 15. Testing & Profiling apps
Class 16. Networking
Class 17. Assets, images & multimedia
Class 18. Forms & gestures
Class 19. Interacting with the device
Class 20. Using Firebase with Flutter
Class 21. Publishing packages and apps
Class 22. Final project presentation
Class 2. Dart Language: Variables, Data Type, Control flow & functions
<li>Variables: Initialization, final
<li>Data Types: Numbers, Strings, Enumerated types, Boolean, Arrays
<li>Nullable and Non-nullable types
<li>Data type operators: Arithmetic, Relational, Type test, Logical, Bitwise and shift
<li>Show the Best practices
<li>Condition Statement: if, switch
<li>Loop: for, while, for-in
<li>The Function type
<li>Anonymous functions
<li>Optional parameters: Named parameters, Positional parameters
<li>Nested functions
<li>Using typedefs
<li>Good Practices
<li>Data Types: Numbers, Strings, Enumerated types, Boolean, Arrays
<li>Nullable and Non-nullable types
<li>Data type operators: Arithmetic, Relational, Type test, Logical, Bitwise and shift
<li>Show the Best practices
<li>Condition Statement: if, switch
<li>Loop: for, while, for-in
<li>The Function type
<li>Anonymous functions
<li>Optional parameters: Named parameters, Positional parameters
<li>Nested functions
<li>Using typedefs
<li>Good Practices
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